For the past 7 years Thom's Turkey has been a staple in Country Club Hills. We'd like to take the time out to thank our customers for supporting our business. We look forwad to providing you with nothing but the best in service and quality food. Bon-appetit!
Thank You For Your Support!!
For the past 7 years Thom's Turkey has been a staple in Country Club Hills. We'd like to take the time out to thank our customers for supporting our business. We look forwad to providing you with nothing but the best in service and quality food. Bon-appetit!
Thank You For Your Support!!
For the past 7 years Thom's Turkey has been a staple in Country Club Hills. We'd like to take the time out to thank our customers for supporting our business. We look forwad to providing you with nothing but the best in service and quality food. Bon-appetit!
Thank You For Your Support!!
R E S T A U R A N T & C U I S I N E
6 4 1 E. 7 5 t h St. C h i c a g o, IL. 6 0 6 1 9